
You are welcome to submit abstracts for poster or oral presentation!

The authors of the selected abstracts (3) will be invited to give a short oral presentation in Best Abstracts Session during VIII Baltic Heart Failure and XV Arrhythmias meeting.

The abstract should be submitted by e-mail: clinicalcases.2024@gmail.com

The deadline for submissions: October 2, 2024.

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

  • The abstract should be submitted in English, in PDF file format.
  • The length of the abstract should not exceed 4000 characters (including spaces).
  • All abstracts must have a title.
  • All authors must be named, including the presenting author (with name, surname, and professional affiliations). Please provide us with the corresponding author’s contact information.
  • The abstract must include following sub-sections: aim (background), methods, results and conclusions.
  • Authors will be notified by October 10 whether their abstract has been accepted or not and whether their abstract is accepted as an oral or poster presentation.